Within the framework of the USAID/Albania Project "Accelerated Civic Development and Cooperation," the DICA ETS Association will host a delegation of 20 representatives from Albanian local authorities and civil society. They will visit the excellences of the Pisan territory in the administrative and social fields. Specifically, meetings are planned with the following entities: Associazione la Tartaruga, Società Italiana di Organizzazione e Revisione Contabile SIR, Società della Salute della Zona Pisana, Residenza Sanitaria Anziani U. Viale, Centro per l'Impiego di PISA, Paim Cooperativa Sociale, Acque Spa, Croce Rossa Italiana di Pisa – Centro d'accoglienza ex Cottolengo.
For photos and updates on the progress of the activities, visit our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter @DicaOnlus.