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2° Event of the Project "4IncludE - For an Inclusive and Democratic Europe" - 7 December 2022 - Malta


On Wednesday, December 7, 2022, the second international event of the '4IncludE an inclusive and Democratic Europe - A Migrant’s Odyssey: Journey, Justice, and Journalism' project took place via the Zoom platform, co-financed by the European Union under the CERV program.

The project aims to create a network of inclusivity among different territories, highlighting experiences of integration and social inclusion of foreign citizens and promoting the exchange of good territorial practices. Additionally, it aimed to facilitate discussions on the inclusion and social integration of foreign citizens, particularly addressing the condition of immigrants and refugees in Malta.

The main focus was on managing the integration of non-EU immigrants in Europe, with particular reference to the Maltese situation where numerous human rights violations have occurred. The event was highly successful with 185 registrations and 150 participants, with an average listening duration of 120 minutes from most listeners who exchanged opinions on strategies to address the situation and the role of the European Union in this context. Participants connected from six different countries: Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Greece, Sweden, and Malta. In particular, the condition of immigrants and refugees in Malta was discussed, including the distrustful perception of reception they have experienced from Maltese citizens. The debate on raising awareness towards reception was highly emphasized to better understand the attitudes of local society towards foreigners and to improve their perception. It was noted that some rescue operations off the Maltese coast may fuel human trafficking, bringing situations to the territory that do not protect the dignity and life of these human beings. The work of organizations operating in rescue missions in the Mediterranean aims to ensure the recognition and protection of human rights on the island.

The project's objective is to propose solutions to encourage citizens to have a sense of welcome and solidarity towards people fleeing contexts where minimum survival conditions are not respected.

An in-person meeting organized by the Maltese partner FTZ with high school students from Saint Aloysius College will follow the online event on December 18, 2022.

Updates, photos, and videos about the project activities will be available on our social media channels.

Facebook: DICAOnlus; Twitter: @dicaonlus Instagram: DICA Onlus

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