Tuscany Region - 2017
The proposed project stems from the collaboration between the DICA ETS Association (project lead) and its local partner for international cooperation activities in Tunisia, the Mediterranean Association for Development in Tunisia (AMDT). It is part of the path activated with the 2015 co-funded project by the Tuscany Region, "Work, social and solidarity economy for young farmers and breeders in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia." This project allowed for the strengthening of the capacities of the Agricultural Women's Group in Sidi Bouzid through the implementation of the following activities:
1.A training course for the management and administration of non-profit associations;
2.Start-up activities for the management of agricultural activities, livestock farming, milk production, and commercialization.
The 2017 proposal is not a completion of the previous intervention, which has been completed, but an integration of it into a multi-year and modular local development program planned by the project partnership.
The AMDT conducted an analysis of the needs of its territory and confirmed that youth unemployment in the Governorate of Sidi Bouzid is one of the main issues to be addressed (youth unemployment rate in Tunisia was around 15% (years 2013 - 2016), with a peak of 40% in the Sidi Bouzid governorate), and in the agricultural and dairy sectors, there are possibilities for the activation of project pathways for sustainable and solidarity-based socio-economic development in the Sidi Bouzid area. These are indicated as priority elements within the regional programming document of the Sidi Bouzid Governorate: "Regional Plan for Environment and Sustainable Development (PREDD) of the Governorate of Sidi Bouzid."
General Objective
The general objective of the project is to "Contribute to the elimination of differences and disparities in order to promote economic, social, and cultural rights."
Specific Objective
"To promote youth employment in the Governorate of Sidi Bouzid through the implementation of a pilot program for the promotion of social and solidarity economy for cheese production."
Expected Results
R1. Increased youth employment in the dairy sector;
R2. Integration of the integrated production system between forage production, livestock farming, milk production, and cheese production.
Main Planned Activities
Activity 1 - Training course for 15 young people in the Sidi Bouzid area for artisanal cheese production:
1.a Raw materials and tools;
1.b Hygienic-sanitary standards;
1.c Workplace safety;
1.d Cheese production - theory and practice of production.
Training participants: 8 young people from the Agricultural Women's Group of Sidi Bouzid and 7 young people selected through a public notice.
Activity 2 - Start-up activities for cheese production and marketing:
2.a Renovation of premises for cheese production laboratory
2.b Purchase of furniture and equipment for production
2.c Commissioning and testing of the laboratory
2.d Milk production
2.e Milk marketing
Direct Beneficiaries
• 15 young people from the Sidi Bouzid area involved in cheese production training;
Indirect Beneficiaries:
• families of trained individuals;
• the local community of Sidi Bouzid, which will benefit from the implementation of services.
Project Partnership
Tuscan Partners:
DICA ETS Association (Lead Partner)
Local Partners:
Mediterranean Association for Development in Tunisia (AMDT).
Photos and updates of the activities are available on the Association's Facebook page: "DICA ETS"... like and follow us!